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Long Length Fiberoptic Cables

Quartz fibers have excellent transmission over long lengths, but they are very expensive and usually cost prohibitive. A recent customer asked for a model D171 sensor with 45 meter length for displacement measurements in vacuum and high magnetic field.

A 3-piece cost saving system was devised where only nineteen 200µm quartz fibers were used to illuminate 10% of the model D171 probe area.
Part A – Two Ø 1000 µm Hard Clad Silica Fibers, 20 m long in air
Part B – Two Ø 1000 µm Bundles of Ø 200µm Silica/Silica (Quartz) Fibers, 24.5m long in vacuum
Part C – Ø 4320 µm D171 Glass Fibers, 0.5 m long in Vacuum

Part A has two Ø1000µm fibers at the connector interface:

1000 µm HCS Fiber

Part B Ø1000 µm fiber bundles each have 19 fibers at the connector interface:

one transmits light and one returns reflected light.

Part B transmit fibers were randomly mixed with Part C glass fibers. Although Part B fibers illuminated just 10% of Part C fibers, this D171 sensor calibrated to an acceptable 70 mm displacement range. And therefore, the system cost was much lower than it would otherwise have been if all of the D171 fibers had been illuminated by quartz fibers.

Model D171 has several thousand 50µm glass fibers in a 4320µm diameter bundle.
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Blue Light Sensors


Blue Light Sensors for displacement measurements on extremely hot targets.

Metals emit light energy in the red spectrum when heated above 600°C. Red-glowing parts interfere with displacement measurements of optical sensors that use red lasers or LEDs as the light source.

Tests run by Philtec engineers demonstrate there is no detectable light energy from hot targets in the blue wavelength spectrum.

Sensor probes and tips exposed to temperatures >600°C are constructed with exotic materials that can withstand extreme temperatures such as:
– fused silica (quartz) fibers
– ceramic adhesives
– high temperature alloys

– gas turbines
– glass forming ovens
– glowing metals and ceramics
– hot steel processing

The combination of blue wavelength and exotic material technologies allow displacement measurements to be made in extremely high temperature applications.  Tell us about your application.  Our engineers will help you configure sensor systems meeting your requirements.

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