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Sensor Probe Installations with Tilt

Sensor probes are to be generally mounted normal (perpendicular) to a target surface. With some applications, such as displacement of a cantilever beam, the target surface rotates as deflects. In other applications, due to installation constraints, the probe can not be mounted normal to the surface. In applications where tilt is unavoidable, what sensors can be used?

Our latest application note Sensor Applications With Tilt provides guidance on sensor performance and selection.


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Glass Shape Gaging

The shape of curved glass windows in automated production lines is typically measured using LVDT contact sensors. When the glass is very thin and light, normal pressure of the LVDT probes tend to move the glass from the holding fixture and corrupt the measurement. Philtec’s non-contact FODS (Fiber Optic Displacement Sensors) solve the problem.

This month Philtec has delivered 100 sensors for a gaging station at a European automotive glass window manufacturing plant (50 for the driver side, and 50 for the passenger side). These sensors are very accurate, and prevent movement or scratches on the glass.


The model RC171 FODS is a reflectance compensated optical sensor with 15 mm operating range. It is insensitive to part-to-part reflectance variations as well as to ambient lighting interference. Data from a set of 50 probes is read in less than 1 second.

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Wireless Sensors for Turbine Blade Tip-to-Casing Cold Clearance Measurements

Gas and steam turbine manufacturers of fossil power plants have long used hand-held feeler gages to measure turbine blade tip clearances and inspect the roundness of the TBC linings at access ports provided for that purpose. With new construction and at overhaul, turbine blade tip-to-casing clearances at room temperature must be properly set.

Philtec has developed the wireless non-contact sensor system CMS3400 to replace manual feeler gage methods. As a technician slowly jogs a rotor thru 360° of rotation, Gap and Angle data pairs are simultaneously recorded from 4 rows of blades and saved to a USB flash drive for offloading and data analysis. CMS3400 is a four channel wireless sensor system that digitally captures the full 360° picture of  blade tip-to-casing roundness and clearance data. This product represents a major advancement in the state-of-the-art.

Sensor ModulesTip Clearance Data

MORE INFO AT  Wireless Sensors for Blade Tip Clearance

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USB Powered Sensors

µDMS-RC22 & USBIntroducing our smallest and most powerful digital sensor series with USB output: the MicroDMS series (µDMS). Powered via any standard USB port, or multiplexed via any standard USB hub, this new sensor series boasts a maximum data sample rate of 16,000 samples per second in a 145 gram enclosure of LWH dimensions 75 x 50 x 23 mm. With Philtec’s fully-featured DMS Control freeware, this sensor is a powerful solution to many measurement problems.

With its miniaturized size and USB power, it is an ideal solution for high density workstations where space is at a premium. Sensors can be stacked together to form the most compact arrangement. For example, 6 sensor modules can be stacked together in a space of 132 mm.

Contact our application engineering staff to explore the possibilities the µDMS series offers for you.

6 sensor boxes

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New Sensor Model for 75 mm Operating Range

Philtec adds the model D240 sensor having an overall operating range of 75 mm.

Sensor with 75 mm Measurement Range

Sensor with 75 mm Measurement Range

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Probes for Internal Thread Inspection

The Problem: Inspection of the integrity of small internal threads such as M10.

The Solution: Very small fiberoptic probes can be made having two diametrically opposed sensors.Thread Inspection Probe

The probe can be used to  scan the length of internally threaded holes as the probe is inserted. The probe is rotated 90° at the bottom of the hole and the thread is scanned once more as the probe is retracted, thereby providing complete thread inspection every 90°. Plus and minus accept/reject tolerances can be set by comparing known good part voltages with known defective part voltages. Missing, shallow and/or damaged threads can be detected as they fall outside the accept/reject tolerance.

Advantages of Fiberoptic Probes

  • Non-Contact
  • High Speed
  • For All Materials Including Non-metals
  • Catches Missing, Shallow, Damaged Threads

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