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Curved Glass Shape Turnkey Solution

Philtec has partnered with the Italian company Technosens to provide the complete turnkey solution for automatic production lines. The method used is to compare a production piece glass shape to the shape of a master frame as shown here.

The production line glass is placed against the master frame, and Philtec’s non-contact sensors measure distance to the glass at 50 locations. With data from 50 sensors, the shape of the glass is accurately mapped. Philtec’s non-contact optical sensors provide a scratch-free solution that is ideal for thin glass, where contact gages such as LVDTs can move and distort the glass when applied via air pressure.

With Technosens equipment, each measured piece has a complete traceability and the production is real time monitored with advanced statistics on process, moulds, system analysis (SPC, MSA) to have the maximum reduction of discarded pieces.

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Glass Shape Gaging

The shape of curved glass windows in automated production lines is typically measured using LVDT contact sensors. When the glass is very thin and light, normal pressure of the LVDT probes tend to move the glass from the holding fixture and corrupt the measurement. Philtec’s non-contact FODS (Fiber Optic Displacement Sensors) solve the problem.

This month Philtec has delivered 100 sensors for a gaging station at a European automotive glass window manufacturing plant (50 for the driver side, and 50 for the passenger side). These sensors are very accurate, and prevent movement or scratches on the glass.


The model RC171 FODS is a reflectance compensated optical sensor with 15 mm operating range. It is insensitive to part-to-part reflectance variations as well as to ambient lighting interference. Data from a set of 50 probes is read in less than 1 second.

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